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Local Nonprofits Provide “First Response” Aid to Malawi

Local Nonprofits Provide “First Response” Aid to Malawi

April 1, 2019
by dale
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More than 700,000 people have been impacted by disastrous flooding in Malawi, prompting a first-of-its-kind response from three local nonprofits. Supplies Over Seas, WaterStep, and Love the Hungry have teamed up to provide a “First Reponse” pallet of health aid that is being flown to the disaster site. It includes first aid medical supplies, clean water technology, and enough fortified Nutri-Plenty® servings to feed 150 children for two weeks. The donated supplies are valued at more than $16,000 and will be received by Kasupe Ministries of Malawi. Shipping costs have been covered by the Greater Louisville Medical Foundation and the family of Martha Harding.

Medical supplies, clean water technology, and fortified meals will provide emergency health aid to the survivors of disastrous flooding in Malawi.

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